Wednesday, November 18, 2009

    Internet etiquette
  • 5 rules for internet etiquette...
  1. No caps lock
  2. No spamming
  3. No innapropriate comments
  4. Don't insult others back report them instead
  5. Don't act differently than you would if you were seeing them in person

  • Although the internet has no specific set of rules written by the goverment you can still be punished four your actions if you collect enough complaint from other users the administrators may mute you for a while or even block your account from use. Even though they can't physically identify you they can still identify your isp

  • The basic rules of netiquette
  1. Behave as though you are comunicating in person.
  2. Remember that your words are open to interpretation.
  3. Don not "shout" online
  4. Do not "flame" other users
  5. Do not send spam.
  6. Do not distribute copyrighted material.
  7. Do not be a coward.

  • I think netiqeutte is very important cause without it everyone would be rude and innapropriate online and have no rules to abbide by.We would never be able to have a real coversation with anyone.
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • An aup is a set of rules that you must abide by to use something or get on a website.
  • Genvar has a set of rules that we have to obey such as no music no games and stuff like that in school.

  • five rules that i think would be important in an aup.
  1. no profane language, cause thats inapropriate.
  2. no innaproproate images or videos, that can get everyone in trouble.
  3. no games or music while in a workplace it's distracting.
  4. no email or instant messgaeing unless its apropriate to what you are doing.
  5. no downloads like games music or pictures that are for entertainment.
  • An aup can help a bussiness stay on task when they need something done.
  • AUP's are nessecary to keep a workplace apropriate and on task.
  • no games, no videos, no music, always stay on task, no innapropriate emails instant messages or pictures, but these rules may have exceptions if your required to for work.


  • Emoticons
  • An emotion is a feeling.
  • An emoticon is text organized to make a picture that shows an emotion or action.
  1. I Asleep
  2. ^o Snoring
  3. }-) Wry smile
  4. }: [ Angry
  5. }{ Face to face
  6. ~ :-( Steaming mad
  7. ~:-( Flame message
  8. ~:-\ Elvis
  9. ~:o Baby
  10. :) smile
  • An acronym is an abreviation for a word or set of words
  1. 121 = One To One (private message)
  2. AFAIK = As Far As I Know
  3. AFK = Away From Keyboard
  4. A/S/L = Age/Sex/Location
  5. ASAP = As Soon As Possible
  6. B4 = Before
  7. B4N = Bye For Now
  8. BBL = Be Back Later
  9. BBN = Bye Bye Now
  10. BBS = Be Back Soon

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


  1. A html is like a code for an internet site, it's what makes everything work
  2. A tag is the text inbetween the <,> symbols they make the site do certain things like embedd and bold stuff like that, and they ussually come in pairs
  3. An open tag is the tag to start something it has the<> symbols with something inbetween, a close tag is the same as a open tag but it has a backslash(/) after the<>
  4. To make a html site you need to open a notepad and save it as whatever uw ant it named in a file but .html after this will make it a html doc. then you need to find a good site for html codes always remember to make opening and closing tags exactly the right way if anything is the slightest bit off it will not work spacing is alos recomended
  5. Here are 3 good html code,,
  6. I think that html is kinda complicated at first but once you understand it that it isnt very hard, before i took this class i knew how to start a site but i didnt exactly know how to make everything work exactly the way i wanted but now i understand it fully, this might help in the future if im working with tech. or the internet.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

ethernet cable

An ethernet cable is used to connect the internet to a computer modem router and stuff like that. To make a ethernet cable you will need a network cable, rj 45 jacks, and cable wires.

  1. Cut your wire to the length you will need make sure you have a littl eextra encase you mess up.

  2. Strip the blue tubing on the wire to about half the length of the rj 45 jack.

  3. Untwist the colored wires and make them as straight as possible.

  4. Put the colors in the right order you should notice that it is light, dark from left to right. the order is light orange, dark orange, light green, dark blue, light blue, dark blue, light brown, dark brown.

  5. Once they are in order cut them to where the wires are even.

  6. Hold the jack with the clip facing down.

  7. Put the wires in the rj 45 jack make sure they don't move out of order while in the jack.

  8. Make sure the colors are in the right order and the copper is touching the end of the jack.

  9. Make the blue tube is past the clamp.

  10. Then repeat for the other side of the cable.

Don't get frustrated or disouraged if you can't get it right at first give it time.

The first time i made a cable it took tons of tries and lots of cutting and adjusting.

now you have your ethernet cable ready to use.

Monday, October 19, 2009


List the four benefits of using a network
  • they allow many users to access programs and data at the same time.
  • they allow users to share perisperal devices, such as printers and scanners.
  • they make personal communications easier.
  • they make is easy for users and asministrators to back up important data files.

Differentiate between WANs and LANs.

  • Lan is a wired connection through servers, WLAN is a wireless connection

Identify at least three common network topologies.

  • a hub
  • a bridge
  • a router

List four exampls of network operation system software.

  • Real-time operating systems
  • Single-user, single-tasking operating system
  • Single-user, multi-tasking operating system
  • Multi-user operating systems

Describe the difference between Client/Server Networks and Peer to Peer Networks.

  • server networks are individual computers share the porcessing and storage workload with a central server
  • is composed of participants that make a portion of their resources

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

DMCA Conspiracy Indictment Filed Involving Efforts to Crack DISH Encryption System

Jung Kwak, Phillip Allison, and Robert Ward have ben charged with one count of conspiracy to violate the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Mr. Kwak authorized the others to break the latest DISH encription so they could get free satelite. He agreed to pay them for cracking the encritpion. Mr. Kwak paid 20,000 dollars for someone to disect and take pictures of the smart cards required to get the satelite signal. He also offered another 250,000 for the EPROM for the smart card. At Mr. Kwak’s initial appearance in United States District Court todaythe government moved that Mr. Kwak be detained without bail. They will have a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and a 250,000 dollar fine.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Blog Questions

The purpose of a blog is to express how you feel about a certian subject or to tell family or freinds about your life over the internet. A pro to blogging is that you can talk to people you never talk to and let them know whats going on in your life. But a con is that people can find out personal information which makes them unsafe. Blogs can be used as an educational tool cause they have information about certain subject with opinions and facts on the subject.